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The Optimist

The Hoper of Far Flung Hopes and the Dreamer of Improbable Dreams

Keeping it dead simple - this is a Doctor Who opinion blog. Everything I post is my own opinion, you don't have to agree with it, and it does not necessarily reflect the actual opinions of anyone important. My aim is to suggest new and different ways of thinking about elements of Doctors Who, not to persuade you that my way is the only or best way of thinking about it

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Why the 12th Doctor Refuses to Regenerate

Writer: Chrisrs123Chrisrs123

So you know how Twelve decides not to regenerate in The Doctor Falls and no real explanation is ever offered? This is my thoughts on the reason why:

In Human Nature/The Family of Blood, Ten discovers settling down and getting married is the one adventure he can never have but Twelve has it with River for 24 years so there's now no more adventures that he knows he hasn't had yet. Plus as far as he knows at least all of his close friends (Clara, Bill, River) are dead, whereas every other Doctor has someone left alive at least. So I think that's why Twelve decides he's had enough at that point - it's a pretty unique point to just stop and die where there's nobody left to disappoint and he's finally done everything he always wanted to.



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