In The Timeless Children, the Master’s plan appears to be to convert the corpses of Time Lords into an army of Cybermen (“Cyber-Masters”) with the ability to regenerate. APPEARS to be.
The Master hates his own existence since discovering he was made from the Doctor. He makes it clear if he set off the death particle and killed himself he would have been perfectly okay with that. All Missy wanted to do was to show the Doctor how similar they were, first by trying to give him an army and make him like her, then by reforming to be like him. The New Master wants something similar. He wants to drag the Doctor down to his level to show she’s not better than him like her secret history suggests she is.

He puts the trigger in her hand, to destroy everything that’s left of Gallifrey, for real this time. He wants her to finish his work and destroy their home, killing both of them. That’s his real plan. But she hands the trigger unit over to Ko Sharmus and leaves the destruction to him, while the Master no doubt activates whatever secret escape plan he had just in case. But did his plan really fail?
The Doctor didn’t find another way, just another person to pull the trigger. Isn’t that just as bad? The Master rarely does his own dirty work usually using pawns like the Cybermen and the Kasarvin. The Doctor turns people into weapons to make her sacrifices for her. Usually she objects, but this time she just runs. She may not have been able to stop Ko Sharmus but she didn’t even really try this time. Just this once, the Master really did break her. He won.