"I know exactly who I am. I'm the Doctor. Sorting out fair play throughout the universe"
That's how the 13th Doctor introduces herself in her debut episode. I think what's interesting here is that the Doctor's mission statement isn't stopping evil or fighting injustice this time - it's not the murder that's earnt Tzim Sha her wroth, it's the cheating. I don't want to be unfair to Thirteen, she is offended by his actions, but she doesn't declare war on the Stenza or go to free the previous captured victims. She calls Tzim Sha out for cheating and kicks him off the planet. She's not a Doctor of war anymore, she's a Doctor of balance.

Looking at her next two episodes, in The Ghost Monument she doesn't take sides between Angstrom and Epzo despite one being objectively a nice person and the other... not. She gets them to walk in side by side and draw since they both made it to the finish line. In Rosa, she's not trying to correct the mistakes of Montgomery 1955, she's trying to stop Krasko interfering with history - she isn't the Time Lord Victorious, she isn't even punching racists, she's sorting out history and keeping it in order - in balance. In fact for most of her first season, Thirteen doesn't face villains so much as threats that need to be contained or moved such as the Pting, the giant Spiders and the Solitract.
This isn't completely new though: in The Girl Who Died, Twelve and Clara have this exchange:
CLARA: What's to stop them re-arming and trying again? DOCTOR: Nothing. But the Velosians will be ready for them this time. It's the best I could do, Clara. I'm not actually the police, that's just what it says on the box.
He's even the scales. In Smile, he doesn't destroy the Vardi for murdering the humans, he wipes their memories so they no longer have that imperative then starts negotiations between them and the humans to share the city. As far back as the Hungry Earth/Cold Blood, Eleven is brokering peace between Humans and Silurians despite historical conflict, and attacks, and prisoners being taken with no favouritism to either side.

"Hardly anything is evil, but most things are hungry. Hunger looks very like evil from the wrong end of the cutlery. Or do you think that your bacon sandwich loves you back?" - The Twelfth Doctor, The Pilot
Generally he hasn't been allowed the opportunity, but the Doctor has always wanted to be a Doctor of Balance. It's surely only a matter of time before Thirteen is dragged into being a Doctor of War as well though.