Ten's proper introduction in The Christmas Invasion comes quite late. I think the wait makes his appearance even better so it does pay off but it means you only really watch it for the last 15 mins. Whereas Thirteen's introductory episode also for me doesn't really get started until she shows up but she drops into the train after only about 10 minutes. The Eleventh Hour manages to have that 'bam! the Doctor is here!' moment with the "basically: run" scene but also have him there the whole time. I think it's also pretty unique for introducing the Doctor largely from his perspective rather than the companion's. I do think that's the best way to do it and how The Woman Who Fell To Earth does it with Thirteen there the whole way through and then having her 'I'm the Doctor' moment on the crane. It has slightly less cool ideas flying around though, plus Tim Shaw isn't as threatening as Prisoner Zero, and the lack of TARDIS and theme tune until the next episode knock it down in quality to second place after Eleven's introduction.
