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The Optimist

The Hoper of Far Flung Hopes and the Dreamer of Improbable Dreams

Keeping it dead simple - this is a Doctor Who opinion blog. Everything I post is my own opinion, you don't have to agree with it, and it does not necessarily reflect the actual opinions of anyone important. My aim is to suggest new and different ways of thinking about elements of Doctors Who, not to persuade you that my way is the only or best way of thinking about it

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Thoughts on Partners in Crime

Writer: Chrisrs123Chrisrs123

Partners in Crime is the season opener for Series 4 with David Tennant and Catherine Tate. The episode is very good for humour, and does a great job of reintroducing Donna as the new companion. The plot's a bit simple but solid. It doesn't have the oomph I like a season opener to have (better than New Earth though). It is quite slow and not a huuuge amount happens. Smith and Jones last season introduces the new companion but also reintroduces the Doctor brilliantly whereas here I don't think it really says much about the Doctor. It's a good set up for the series and great intro to Donna and her fam but as a standalone I do think it's a bit lacking



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